Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blessed.......and grateful.

J. Paul Getty once said," If you can actually count your money, you are not really a rich man".

Hmmm! So I opened my purse and I have four RM50 notes, five RM10 notes, eleven RM1 notes and exactly 90 cents coins. I'm not rich! I can actually count the cash in hand that I have!

Let me see! Wouldn't it be nice if i could buy things that I fancy  without looking at the price tags? It would be more fun rather than just window shopping. I would buy myself all the latest Gucci, Chanel,  and Coach handbags. Every department stores will be looking out for me.  And then I will ..........yeah, dream on girl, oops sorry! woman I should say!!

Maybe we think that money can buy all the happiness in the world. Everything will be all nice and smooth sailing and everything will be served on a silver platter. Sometimes, I myself would start to think it would be but then come to think of it, life hasn't been too bad for me.

I'm not rich. But I have the most wonderful family. I am happy (sometimes). There maybe some ups and downs but that is part and parcel of life.

I guess we should all just be grateful that our lives are wonderfully blessed and our "rezeki" comes with "keberkatan" (sorry! couldn't find the exact word in english)

1 comment:

  1. Hahah.... Kak Dyg, I've that much in my purse. Since working on my own, I've to monitor my spending. Sik mcm kerja mkn gaji, suka ati jak berbelanja. At least I'm happy now since I'm working from home. Alhamdulillah.


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