Tuesday, August 3, 2010


A lot has been said about breastfeeding. I would like to add my two cents worth here. I TOTALLY love breastfeeding my children. All of my five children were breastfed and one broke the record of being breastfed till she was almost five years old. It didn't happened immediately, though.
My firstborn came into the world with lots of shouting and before that I managed to glance angrily at my husband and blaming him for making me go through the labour pains. I even told him that I wouldn't ever want to go through the experience ever again. But funnily though, I went through it four more times and I LOVE it.
Mothers who are pregnant should talk to their babies. I always did and when they were put into my arms for the first time, they seem to look at me in wonder as if recognising my voice! The looks on their faces always make me cry. They have lived inside of me for nine months and when they finally arrived, God is Great!
The first time when they latched on for feeding, it is nothing but love flowing out of you to them. You get the feeling of accomplishment of being a mother. But it is not always smooth sailing. At times, the breasts became engorged and  sore. This is when the breast pump comes in handy.
Once they were filled, you could see the contentment in their eyes. Then they would  sleep peacefully for an hour or two and the process of breastfeeding continues.
My five children were seldom sick and the visits to the doctor were only for their occasional immunisation shots. I am glad that I have breastfed all of them, not without some hiccups along the way. Sometimes, it can be troublesome in public but I always managed.

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