Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypermarket False Promotion???

Maybe twice a week. Sometimes thrice in a month. I always buy my groceries from this particular hypermarket in Kota Bharu. I like the space and the ambience. I don't usually go on the weekends because it can get pretty crowded here. If  I am able to get there by 9 in the morning, I can take my own sweet time browsing through the aisle and maybe get myself a bargain or two.

Recently, I felt cheated. When I came in, I was in a good mood. I wanted to buy some sticks or bars (whatever it is) of butter and also some vegetables  to cook for lunch. The butter is of course for baking my so-called "famous" cupcakes. I was on the go - go fast mode, get in, get the stuff and straight to the cashier's counter. I need to go pick up my daughter from her tuition class after I'm done. 

At the dairy aisle, I saw the "buttercup" with the promotion price of RM4.39. I wonder? C'mon, it should be cheaper than that. Never mind...so I took 2 sticks of it. Moving along to the end of the aisle, again there were stacks of "buttercup", this time with a stated promotion price of RM3.99 Eh???? This is good, took another one, calculating in my mind I 've saved RM1.20. Patting myself on the back, I went to the payment counter. By this time, my trolley was already quite a handful to push.

Horrors of all horrors, the cashier punched the price of each "buttercup" at RM4.39. I pointed it out to him and he then called his colleague. I explained the matter and proceeded to show him where. At the same time, a lady was also at the section and she even commented that there were two sets of prices for the same brand of butter. What this worker did next was even more surprising! He took out the paper with the price tag of RM3.99 and  crumpled it in his hands. Turning to me, he asked for RM15 from me and said that he will attend to me personally at the payment counter. Gave me back my change and gullible me thought that I was given the cheaper price. Later when I checked the receipt, I was charged the price of the former. He was  nowhere to be seen. I was then already angry on the scale of 10!!! 

Maybe some people might even said that whatlah this person, grumbling over a few cents!! It is not that. What I am  so pissed off about is the way I was misled in the first place. This is what I call misleading the customers.  I bet some of us housewives couldn't even be bothered to check the receipt once we have made our payment. 

I may not be rich even if I were to have saved RM1.20 from my groceries bill that day but the hypermarket conglomerate is getting richer by the day!!!!  I am after all, just a small fish in a large ocean. 

 Erm!  Come to think of it maybe, I should just buy my groceries from the local sundry shop and  'Pasar Siti Khadijah'. I could even get a few ringgits discount if I were to use my charming smile on the 'Abe Ikan' and the 'Makcik Sayur'!!!

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