Monday, December 19, 2011

A little pick-me-up

I just love reading Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar's article in the Sunday Star - Women's World, and she is really gooood!!
I totally agree with her. She wrote that as women, we've got a lot in our lives to deal with.Whether at home or at work, we're often the problem-solvers and decision-makers, putting people's concerns ahead of ours.
She listed a few ways to treat ourselves, without costing too much or taking up a lot of our time.

1. Laugh at something funny.
Laughing is the best way to release all the stress that has built up inside us.
The easiest way to get a good laugh is to watch a funny movie, not just smile and chuckle but laugh out loud. As for me, remembering my children's antics when they were young can break me into laughter or maybe a chuckle or two.

2. Have a cuppa.
Take a break with a cup of tea since it is known for its antioxidant properties. (the doctor wrote that at  least 4 cups a day)

3. Go dark
Dark chocolate is good for us. This is not a license to eat loads of chocolates everyday. Have only a little piece a day, and truly savour it as it melts in your mouth.

4. Get a massage and manicure
It offers one great benefit - human touch, which has been shown to reduce stress and boost self-confidence. It releases endorphins in the body, which lowers anxiety and increases your immunity.
Alas! I couldn't always find the time for this indulgence.

5. Be intimate
Indulge in physical intimacy with your spouse. (I don't need to elaborate here) Just use your imagination!!

6. Streeeetch
Take your time at it and give every muscle in your body a tweak (watch a cat the next time it stretches)

7.Call a good friend
Nothing beats a good conversation about the things that really matter in life.

8. Get moving.
Do something physical, just 10 minutes will make you feel the difference.

9. Get some zzzz's
A necessity, as it refreshes your mind, helping you to retain information that you have learnt during the day and make memories.

I don't know about you, but as for me, I will try to indulge in one of the above. Maybe I start with the dark chocolate first!!

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